acrobat to word
acrobat to word

TurnMicrosoftWord,ExcelandPowerPointdocumentsintohigh-qualityPDFfilesdirectlyfromwithinMicrosoftapps.Preservefonts,formattingandlayouts.,1.InAcrobat,selectFile>SaveAsOther>MicrosoftWord>WordDocument.Youcanalsoclickthe.Toolspaneinthetopright, ...,...

在線上免費將PDF 轉換為Word


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Turn Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents into high-quality PDF files directly from within Microsoft apps. Preserve fonts, formatting and layouts.

Convert PDF files to Word and other formats with Acrobat XI

1. In Acrobat, select File > Save As Other > Microsoft Word > Word Document. You can also click the. Tools pane in the top right, ...

Free PDF to Word Converter Online

You can Xodo to convert a PDF into Word without Adobe Acrobat. Xodo's PDF to Word converter is an online alternative that allows you to accurately convert PDF ...

How to convert a PDF file to a Word document in 3 ways

2022年7月20日 — To convert a PDF to Word, you can simply right-click the file and choose Open with Word. You can also open a PDF in Google Docs and download ...

How to Convert a PDF to a Word Document

Free tools like Adobe's online PDF converter and Google Drive make it easy to convert PDFs to Word, but some PDF formatting won't be preserved. If you have Word ...

PDF 轉Word 轉換器

如何免費在線上將PDF 轉換為Word:</b>將您的檔案匯入或拖放到我們的轉換工具中。針對已掃描完成的PDF 檔案,請選擇「透過OCR」—這是Pro 方案所提供的功能之一。點擊「轉換」並稍待片刻。下載或分享轉換好的Word 檔案—就是這麼簡單!

取得要顯示[Adobe Acrobat] 索引標籤

開啟任何Microsoft 365應用程式,例如Word,然後再按一下[檔案&gt;帳戶&gt;更新選項] &gt; [立即更新。 最新版本的Office 2016 中,按一下[更新選項],然後立即. 請確定您的Adobe ...

在線上免費將PDF 轉換為Word

將PDF 轉換成可編輯的Word 檔案. 使用Adobe Acrobat 線上工具,即可快速輕鬆地將PDF 轉換為Word 文件。只要拖放PDF,緊接著就能下載轉換後的Word 檔案。

將PDF 轉換為Word

2024年5月20日 — 在Acrobat 中開啟PDF。 · 從上方的工具列選單中選取「轉換」。 · 從「轉換」面板中選取「Microsoft® Word」作為匯出格式,然後選取「轉換為DOCX」。 export- ...


TurnMicrosoftWord,ExcelandPowerPointdocumentsintohigh-qualityPDFfilesdirectlyfromwithinMicrosoftapps.Preservefonts,formattingandlayouts.,1.InAcrobat,selectFile>SaveAsOther>MicrosoftWord>WordDocument.Youcanalsoclickthe.Toolspaneinthetopright, ...,YoucanXodotoconvertaPDFintoWordwithoutAdobeAcrobat.Xodo'sPDFtoWordconverterisanonlinealternativethatallowsyoutoaccuratelyconvertPDF ...,2022...